About Freemasonry in Hinckley
This page will feature information on Freemasonry in general in Hinckley, it's history, current events and news of a general nature. Further information about specific Lodges that meet at Hinckley can be found in more detail on the "Masonic Lodges in Hinckley" page.
The Development of Freemasonry in the Town
Freemasonry first became established in the town of Hinckley in 1803 when seven Brethren were granted a warrant, no. 47 which had originally been issued under the Antients Constitution to a Lodge meeting in Macclesfield. These seven are considered the Founders of this new Lodge and Brother Henry Granger was installed as the first Master by three other Brethren, Bros. Henry Wright, Jonathan Atkins and Samuel Marston. The Prince of Wales Inn in Lichfield Street Hinckley was the first meeting place of the Lodge.
In 1805 the Lodge moved to The George but this stay also was quite short lived and in 1807 it moved again to the Barley Sheaf where it stayed until 1826 and in 1812 the innkeeper, Bro. Goode was initiated into the Lodge. In 1813 with the union of the two Grand Lodges the Lodge was informed of a change in number to no. 66, subsequently further re-numbering took place with the next being no. 58 and finally no. 50 as the Lodge is today. In due time the Lodge also took the name of the Knights of Malta, the first record of this being in 1828.
For the centenary of the Lodge in 1903 three oak chairs were produced for use by the Master and his wardens. These oak chairs with their interesting Masonic symbols are still today a prominent feature of the Lodge room and a photograph of the detail from the Master's chair is to be seen on the home page of this web-site.
Further homes for the Lodge were used around the town including the Town Hall, the George Hotel and finally the Union Hotel until in 1927 a move was made to purchase land and build a permanent home for the Lodge and this was completed in 1929. The building is still the home of Hinckley Masons and has during 2011 undergone major restoration work, much more information about the building as it is today can be found on the "Hinckley Masonic Hall" page of this web site.
In 1966 the first daughter Lodge, Sparkenhoe Lodge No. 8063, was consecrated followed by Burbach Lodge No. 8699 and The Lodge of St.Simon & St. Jude No. 8729 in 1976. The Knights of Malta Chapter No. 50 was consecrated in January 1973. Further detailed information about each of the Lodges can be found on the page "Masonic Lodges in Hinckley" and the individual pages for each Lodge. As Lodges develop their own web -sites links to these will be included where appropriate on this site.
In 2019 the Hinckley Lodge of Installed Masters Lodge No. 9972, the first new Lodge to be formed in Hinckley for over 40 years was consecrated, further details of this historic occaision can be found elsewhere on this web-site.